Thursday, December 17, 2009

Ethiopia Water Crisis Abstract

The lack of sanitized drinking water in Ethiopia is a massive issue that needs to be managed through a more efficient system than what is being used now. Ethiopia is at the forefront of the world’s water crisis. When it comes down to what countries have the most freshwater available, Ethiopia is somewhere towards the bottom of the pack. It’s because of poor management of water, which forces women and children to walk miles upon miles everyday just to collect water filled with diseases and waste from both animals and humans. Unfortunately, these people don’t have the choice to drink sanitized water like most others.
Ethiopia has always had a problem with water scarcity because of many reasons such as population growth and being in a drought for the past couple of decades. Yet the issue of water there is only now being considered a crisis. There are many factors now that have caused the water crisis to get increasingly worse. One reason is that Ethiopia has been going through a drought for the last several years. This means no rain water is falling for them to collect and use for not only themselves, but their farms and crops. Another is population growth, because Ethiopia population is starting to double. This means that there will not be enough water to sustain more people because there is hardly enough to sustain the amount of people in Ethiopia already. It is estimated that the world will run out of water by 2050, even for developed countries. So that means that Ethiopia, one of the many developing countries around the world, will most likely run out of water sooner. That’s why they urgently need to start coming up with ways to efficiently use the fresh water available to them.
According to a study in 2000, Ethiopia used approximately 86% of their fresh water drawn from rivers, lakes, and underground aquifers on agriculture. This fact shows that one of the greatest ways to conserve water in Ethiopia is increasing irrigation efficiencies. Most irrigation systems around the world waste water. Typically, only between 35% and 50% of water withdrawn for irrigated agriculture ever reaches the crops because most is wasted. Ethiopia can start fixing crisis by using more efficient systems such as the drip or LEPA systems. The drip system is a network of pipes, installed either above the surface or underground, with punctures/holes that transports freshwater straight to the roots of their crops. The LEPA system is different than most systems that only spew water into the air because crops are delivered water from drop tubes that attached to the sprinklers extensions. If money is a huge setback in Ethiopia, conservation projects for farmers are a good way to construct small reservoirs that collect and store water to use in the dry season. All of these are systems that can be the solution to helping Ethiopia stop or at least slow down the water crisis until better, more efficient systems are put in place. But if action is not taken immediately, children and adults will continue to die without access to more sanitized water.

Monday, November 2, 2009

In Defence Of Food

Why do people choose to eat products that are unhealthy for them?

People choose to eat unhealthy products because healthy food is generally more expensive to buy than unhealthy food. Not only is unhealthier food cheaper, it is also more accessible and in some cases tastier than healthy food, which is why people by it.

What roles/responsibilities does the gov't have in framing your choice?

The government should only have two responsibilties. The first is educating us on what foods are healthy and what's not. However, that doesn't mean they can tell us what we have to eat because it is our choice on how we want to eat whether it is healthy or not. The other responsibility is making sure we have access to all types of food we want to eat.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Novalena (last name) was born in San Fransisco and raised in the bay area. Her average day consists of a full time job publishing and promoting an inspirational book for women called, “The Total Female Package.” She also co-authored “Secret” and wrote a chapter in “Strategies for Success.” But writing books is not all she does.
Novalena also likes traveling around the world. In fact, when Novalena was 22, she went backpacking all around Eourope for six weeks. It was one of the best experiences of her life and she learned so much about other countries and it changed how she looked at the world once she came back to America. Novalena also enjoys movies of all sort, but she enjoys love stories the most and thrillers because she loves going to movies seeing if it will excite or scare her.
Novalena’s high school life included a lot of honors and AP classes. That sounds like she wouldn’t have much of a high school life, but she was very social and was popular yet she was still focused on doing well in school so she can go to college. Her craziest high school moment had to be during her senior trip because she was free for the first time in her life and she could do whatever she wanted, so she left senior year celebrating a lot and enjoying her last times of high school.s
Novalena life is based on 5 words that have a lot of importance to her. These words are Love, Connection, Growth, Authenticity, and Relationship. These 5 words are what makes her who she is. Novalena is also big on family. Her parents have played a big role in helping her become who she is. They are both her best friends, and unlike most people, she still talks to the regularly. They are both her heroes and they have both taught her about being authentic and being herself no matter what other people think. Her dad was held back when he was younger by Novalena’s grandparents and they told him to get a safe, secure job like being a janitor. But he had bigger aspirations so he has encouraged Novalena to follow her dreams and do what she wants to do and feels passionate about.
Although Novalena is not married, she already knows what her perfect future is going to be like and it includes a husband. She plans on having at least two kids of her own and than she wants to adopt many more and travel with all of them around the world so they can learn like she did.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Writing In Reverse

Tyron Darrell Jackson Smith has had a great day so far. He had a good day at work earning money for his family and he even stole something for his family without anyone even noticing at the store. He was headed to the subway when he picked up a newspaper to read on the way home. After passing through the turnstile and finding a spot in the subway, he began to read the newspaper. What he founded was interesting. There was an article talking about a tall slender man stealing items from various stores. They even had a video and a picture of the guy on camera at a news site but the picture of the man is sort of blurry but you can still make him out. Tyron felt like he knew that man. In fact he did. It was him. Tyron felt a rush of fear go through him. What would happen to his family if he got caught? What would they do to him? Right at that moment some cops came in holding sketches of what was supposed to be him. He got a glimpse of the pictures and they looked almost exactly like him. Without hesitating, he got up, dropped his newspaper, and ran through the door while it was still open. Behind him he could hear the police yelling “HEY, STOP RIGHT THERE!!” but he didn’t. He kept on running. Running for his life. Running for his family. He flew past everybody going up the stairs and out into the New York crowd. Tyrone figured all the people around him would hide him from the police, but it didn’t. He could still hear them yelling for him to stop. So he went through everybody to get away, like how a football player would run over defenders to get a touchdown. But now there was more police chasing him. He didn’t look back but he could still hear them. Tyrone ran through an ally and finally looked back just to see four police men chasing him so he went through another ally. But this time it was a dead end with a fence. He was about to run back but he heard the police rounding the corner so he tried jumping over but he slipped and fell. This was it, he though. All he did for his family was going to be gone. He didn’t even care about what was going to happen to him. All he cared about was what his family was going to think of him. Were they going to hate him? Are they going to think he’s a bad person? These questions went through his mind as he was standing looking back at the police who were getting closer and closer. He didn’t want to find out the answer to any of them though. All he wanted was to get home, so he tried one more time. He used all his strength to pull himself up and over the fence and make it with the police right on his ass. They were so close he even felt one police try and grab his shoe. But it didn’t matter to him because he was now safe, but only for now. Thankfully the police were too fat to even consider trying to climb the fence. Out of breath, Tyrone jogged his way home to safety. To his family.

America's Problem

I feel like America really needs to stop getting so involved in other international affairs unless they know it won’t do any harm whatsoever or cause any problems between countries. I feel as if the only reason the America should even need to involve themselves in international affairs is if they need to help a country with specific necessities such as: food, water, supplies, etc. But other than that, we don’t have to get involved in other countries government or try and tell other countries what to do with themselves because it’s what if they don’t need it and think that were trying to start something with them. I know if any other country tried to do to us what we do to others, there would be a problem, a big one. I think we feel like we can boss other countries around because were one of the most powerful natures in the world and I think that’s wrong. It makes me feel like we’re almost the bullies of school, except it’s more than that since it’s the whole world we’re bullying. Like I said earlier, if only we used our power to help countries, there would be more that like us instead of being against us. I’m not saying we never do help other countries, but everyone would be better off if we just focus a little more on helping other countries with what they really need help with, rather than what we think there problem is since it really is their country, not ours. The fact that we’re bigger and better than other countries gives us the false idea that we have the right to be the world’s police even though we don’t.