Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Novalena (last name) was born in San Fransisco and raised in the bay area. Her average day consists of a full time job publishing and promoting an inspirational book for women called, “The Total Female Package.” She also co-authored “Secret” and wrote a chapter in “Strategies for Success.” But writing books is not all she does.
Novalena also likes traveling around the world. In fact, when Novalena was 22, she went backpacking all around Eourope for six weeks. It was one of the best experiences of her life and she learned so much about other countries and it changed how she looked at the world once she came back to America. Novalena also enjoys movies of all sort, but she enjoys love stories the most and thrillers because she loves going to movies seeing if it will excite or scare her.
Novalena’s high school life included a lot of honors and AP classes. That sounds like she wouldn’t have much of a high school life, but she was very social and was popular yet she was still focused on doing well in school so she can go to college. Her craziest high school moment had to be during her senior trip because she was free for the first time in her life and she could do whatever she wanted, so she left senior year celebrating a lot and enjoying her last times of high school.s
Novalena life is based on 5 words that have a lot of importance to her. These words are Love, Connection, Growth, Authenticity, and Relationship. These 5 words are what makes her who she is. Novalena is also big on family. Her parents have played a big role in helping her become who she is. They are both her best friends, and unlike most people, she still talks to the regularly. They are both her heroes and they have both taught her about being authentic and being herself no matter what other people think. Her dad was held back when he was younger by Novalena’s grandparents and they told him to get a safe, secure job like being a janitor. But he had bigger aspirations so he has encouraged Novalena to follow her dreams and do what she wants to do and feels passionate about.
Although Novalena is not married, she already knows what her perfect future is going to be like and it includes a husband. She plans on having at least two kids of her own and than she wants to adopt many more and travel with all of them around the world so they can learn like she did.

1 comment:

  1. why do you only have one post??? and you should take that last name thing off. You spelled europe wrong. the sentence about movies is super awkward. That's all for now i'll probly come back and tell you some more stuff.
