Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Writing In Reverse

Tyron Darrell Jackson Smith has had a great day so far. He had a good day at work earning money for his family and he even stole something for his family without anyone even noticing at the store. He was headed to the subway when he picked up a newspaper to read on the way home. After passing through the turnstile and finding a spot in the subway, he began to read the newspaper. What he founded was interesting. There was an article talking about a tall slender man stealing items from various stores. They even had a video and a picture of the guy on camera at a news site but the picture of the man is sort of blurry but you can still make him out. Tyron felt like he knew that man. In fact he did. It was him. Tyron felt a rush of fear go through him. What would happen to his family if he got caught? What would they do to him? Right at that moment some cops came in holding sketches of what was supposed to be him. He got a glimpse of the pictures and they looked almost exactly like him. Without hesitating, he got up, dropped his newspaper, and ran through the door while it was still open. Behind him he could hear the police yelling “HEY, STOP RIGHT THERE!!” but he didn’t. He kept on running. Running for his life. Running for his family. He flew past everybody going up the stairs and out into the New York crowd. Tyrone figured all the people around him would hide him from the police, but it didn’t. He could still hear them yelling for him to stop. So he went through everybody to get away, like how a football player would run over defenders to get a touchdown. But now there was more police chasing him. He didn’t look back but he could still hear them. Tyrone ran through an ally and finally looked back just to see four police men chasing him so he went through another ally. But this time it was a dead end with a fence. He was about to run back but he heard the police rounding the corner so he tried jumping over but he slipped and fell. This was it, he though. All he did for his family was going to be gone. He didn’t even care about what was going to happen to him. All he cared about was what his family was going to think of him. Were they going to hate him? Are they going to think he’s a bad person? These questions went through his mind as he was standing looking back at the police who were getting closer and closer. He didn’t want to find out the answer to any of them though. All he wanted was to get home, so he tried one more time. He used all his strength to pull himself up and over the fence and make it with the police right on his ass. They were so close he even felt one police try and grab his shoe. But it didn’t matter to him because he was now safe, but only for now. Thankfully the police were too fat to even consider trying to climb the fence. Out of breath, Tyrone jogged his way home to safety. To his family.

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