Tuesday, October 13, 2009

America's Problem

I feel like America really needs to stop getting so involved in other international affairs unless they know it won’t do any harm whatsoever or cause any problems between countries. I feel as if the only reason the America should even need to involve themselves in international affairs is if they need to help a country with specific necessities such as: food, water, supplies, etc. But other than that, we don’t have to get involved in other countries government or try and tell other countries what to do with themselves because it’s what if they don’t need it and think that were trying to start something with them. I know if any other country tried to do to us what we do to others, there would be a problem, a big one. I think we feel like we can boss other countries around because were one of the most powerful natures in the world and I think that’s wrong. It makes me feel like we’re almost the bullies of school, except it’s more than that since it’s the whole world we’re bullying. Like I said earlier, if only we used our power to help countries, there would be more that like us instead of being against us. I’m not saying we never do help other countries, but everyone would be better off if we just focus a little more on helping other countries with what they really need help with, rather than what we think there problem is since it really is their country, not ours. The fact that we’re bigger and better than other countries gives us the false idea that we have the right to be the world’s police even though we don’t.

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